Sunday, October 16, 2022

Documenting a day on word, powerpoint, and excel


            This assignment involved me to use applications such as Word processor, PowerPoint presentation, and Excel An application such as word and PowerPoint have been commonly used in my daily activities in order to complete assignments, however Excel is an application that I have never utilized before. This assignment had me overcome several different difficulties and has also caused me to familiarize myself with functions that I have not used on these applications before, I will be reflecting on my experience in this essay.

Word Processor 

            An application such as Word is popular for writing documents such as letters and assignments. Word processor allows the users to change font sizes and styles, use bold, underlined and italicized words and also allows for different choices in bulleted lists. Some advantages of this application is that it is very easy to correct mistakes when writing documents, for example if you accidently delete a sentence word offers a reverse button that will reset your most recent action, word also has “automatic spelling and grammar checker which allows you to choose from different recommended options” (Microsoft, 2022), this is a very helpful tool when writing because it could help the user identify potential grammatical errors in the document. Some disadvantages of this application are that Word can be expensive, luckily the University of Arizona Global campus offers a free membership for its active students, another disadvantage would be adding images to documents, it can be difficult to adjust it correctly on the page therefore I would suggest an application like PowerPoint.


            Excel was by far one of the more challenging activities of this assignment, I am not familiar with any of the functions, and I have also not used the application before. Excel was a new experience for me it is a “basic spreadsheet application commonly used for representing tables of data like text or numbers using formulas” (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). Some disadvantages of the program where all the equations that you must input to get the desired results. Luckily the equations were written out for me for this specific assignment because if they had not been I would have found myself at a loss. Even though this application was difficult to use I can now understand how it can be very beneficial for companies to display their data, once an equation is entered you can easily change any variable in the graph and the equation will recalculate all the data and change all the number and percentages for you. The graph tool is also very helpful to display as a imagine of all your data that you have compiled.


            PowerPoint is an application that I have frequently used, it offers a lot of customizability options for the user such as different preset backgrounds, font size and styles, animations, transitions, and much more. Some advantages of PowerPoint specifically when completing a group project is its accessibility and functionality for adding collaborators to the document, this allows more than 2 people to access the document from virtually anywhere and takes away any disadvantages they may face about being geographically far from one another. A disadvantage of PowerPoint would be that some features on the application takes a lot of practice and training to complete, similar to Excel. 


            This assignment has offered me a great refresher on the functions of Word, PowerPoint and Excel applications. Although I did find myself facing some difficulties performing some of the functions, I was able to overcome them by being patient and retrying the function several times. Word will continue to be used by me to complete all of my written assignments and I will use PowerPoints to complete any assignment’s that require me to incorporate imagines, however I will try to avoid the Excel program at all costs. 



Microsoft . (n.d.). Microsoft. Microsoft Support. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from 

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all. zyBooks.





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