Sunday, October 16, 2022

Programing language

 I had my first interaction with coding In week 1 of this course and my experience was very difficult.  


            For this assignment I have become familiar with the scratch program, “scratch is the world’s largest coding community for children and a coding language with a simple visual interface” (Scratch, 2022). This program consists of “blocks” that the user can stack together in order to make their own animation, in this paper I will be writing about my experience with this program and the difficulties that I faced and how I overcame them. 

Experience and Difficulties

This program offers an introductory tutorial video that explain how the program works and the different functions that it has, the tutorial is very simple to understand and gives new users like myself a good comprehension of the program.  Some difficulties I had would be the motion blocks, although the program has a variety of different motions to choose from, I personally struggled with having my animation move at the right time. I did add a dog and a crab animation and I also utilized the cat that was already given to me at the beginning of the project, the customization for  the cat the bear was very self-explanatory and simple. Overall, this project took a lot of time and patience in order to complete, the organization in which I placed the blocks was crucial in order to make the animation do what I wanted it to do. 



This assignment has provided me with my first experience into coding and technology. This experience has taken me out of my comfort zone. Although the program was very user friendly and provided me with explanations on how to use their icons, I still found myself facing some difficulties when it came to adding more blocks and making the story make sense. I found myself revise my work several times. Overall, my experience was a great one. 



Scratch . (n.d.). About. Scratch. Retrieved September 21, 2022, from

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all. zyBooks.


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