Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Tech Topic Connection

 Programming languages is a system that help build different computer applications, fundamental IT concepts can be considered, "information security, database and network management, computer technical support, and business software development"(Network Depot, 2017). 

When creating a new computer application one must take into account all the fundamental IT concepts such as information security. Information security is crucial when creating a new software because it helps protect the program from potential threats.  Cyber attacks are more prevalent than one may think, "estimates show that there is a cyber attack every 44 seconds throughout the day"(PurpleSec, 2022). Another aspect that is important when constructing a computer application is computer technical support, uses whom use the application may need assistance in navigating the program or help troubleshooting basic components of the program. Bug fixes also fall under computer technical support, constant updates to better the efficiency of the program is key to keep up with competitors and your ever evolving audience.  

Computer applications also depend on basic functions in order to run correctly such as storage, processing and input and output. Without having knowledge of what storage a computer will need to adequately run the computer program a user may experience less than ideal results.  


Network Depot. (2017, March 22). Basic concepts in information technology. Network Depot. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from 

PurpleSec. (2022, October 17). 2022 cyber security statistics trends & data. PurpleSec. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from 

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